7 Charlotte Street, Manchester, M1 4DZ, United Kingdom

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EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation -Train the Trainer

The EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation – Train the Trainer is a specialized program designed for professionals aspiring to become skilled trainers in incident investigation. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of incident analysis methodologies, advanced root cause identification techniques, and effective training strategies. Participants will gain the expertise not only to proficiently investigate incidents but also to impart their knowledge through effective training methodologies. Through a blend of theoretical insights, practical exercises, and experiential learning, attendees will develop the competence to train others in the art of incident investigation.
This qualification is evaluated using assessments and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). To receive this qualification, the learner must pass both tests with a certain percentage.
The specific modules covered in The EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation -Train the Trainer course typically includes:
  • Advanced Incident Investigation Principles
  • Specialized Root Cause Identification
  • Expert Incident Analysis Techniques
  • Training Methodology Fundamentals
  • Curriculum Development for Incident Investigation
  • Designing Practical Training Exercises
  • Effective Communication in Training
  • Training Evaluation and Feedback
  • Leading Training Sessions
  • Real-World Case Scenarios for Training
  • Train the Trainer Project
  • Expert Insights and Networking
The qualification has recommended course duration of 10 days.
Note: However the course duration may be increased to meet additional learning needs if required but not reduced.