7 Charlotte Street, Manchester, M1 4DZ, United Kingdom

Saturday-Friday (24/7)

EOSH UK- Award in Environmental Sustainable Monitoring at Workplace

The Award in Environmental Sustainable Monitoring at Workplace aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively monitor and assess environmental sustainability practices in the workplace. The course focuses on understanding the principles of sustainable monitoring, data collection and analysis, and implementing sustainability initiatives. Participants will learn about key environmental indicators, measurement techniques, and reporting requirements to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and drive continuous improvement in sustainability performance.
This qualification is evaluated using assessments and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). To receive this qualification, the learner must pass both tests with a certain percentage.
The qualification has recommended course duration of 4-5  days.
Note: However the course duration may be increased to meet additional learning needs if required but not reduced.
  • Introduction to Environmental Sustainable Monitoring
  • Key Environmental Indicators and Metrics
  • Data Collection Methods and Techniques
  • Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Tools
  • Interpretation and Analysis of Environmental Data
  • Reporting and Communication of Monitoring Results
  • Compliance with Environmental Regulations and Standards
  • Energy and Resource Consumption Monitoring
  • Waste Management and Recycling Monitoring
  • Water Conservation and Quality Monitoring
  • Air Emissions Monitoring and Control
  • Continuous Improvement in Environmental Performance