7 Charlotte Street, Manchester, M1 4DZ, United Kingdom

Saturday-Friday (24/7)

EOSH UK Level 2-Award in Incident Investigation

The EOSH UK Level 2 Award in Incident Investigation is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with the foundational skills required to effectively analyze and respond to incidents. This course offers a thorough exploration of incident analysis methodologies, root cause identification, and reporting techniques. Participants will gain the expertise to systematically investigate incidents, uncover contributing factors, and create informative incident reports. Through a combination of theoretical instruction and practical exercises, attendees will develop proficiency in incident investigation within various contexts.
This qualification is evaluated using assessments and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). To receive this qualification, the learner must pass both tests with a certain percentage.
The qualification has recommended course duration of 3 days.
Note: However the course duration may be increased to meet additional learning needs if required but not reduced.
The specific modules covered in The EOSH UK Level 2-Award in Incident Investigation course typically includes:
  • Introduction to Incident Investigation
  • Incident Investigation Process
  • Root Cause Identification
  • Reporting and Documentation
  • Preventive Measures
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations
  • Case Studies and Practical Exercises
  • Incident Analysis Skills Application