7 Charlotte Street, Manchester, M1 4DZ, United Kingdom

Saturday-Friday (24/7)

EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis

The EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis is a specialized program designed to empower participants with advanced skills in analyzing incidents and identifying underlying root causes. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of incident analysis methodologies, specialized root cause identification techniques, and effective reporting strategies. Participants will gain expertise in systematically investigating incidents, uncovering latent factors, and applying advanced root cause analysis methodologies to prevent recurrence. Through a blend of theoretical instruction, practical exercises, and real-world case studies, attendees will develop the proficiency to address incidents comprehensively and implement strategies that enhance safety and organizational learning.
This qualification is evaluated using assessments and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). To receive this qualification, the learner must pass both tests with a certain percentage.
The qualification has recommended course duration of 7 days.
Note: However the course duration may be increased to meet additional learning needs if required but not reduced.

The specific modules covered in The EOSH UK Award in Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis course typically includes:

  • Comprehensive Understanding of Incident Analysis
  • Advanced Root Cause Identification
  • Advanced Incident Analysis Techniques
  • Effective Reporting and Documentation
  • Advanced Preventive Strategies
  • Legal and Ethical Dimensions in Analysis
  • Leading Complex Incident Investigations
  • Case Studies and Practical Exercises
  • Expert Insights and Networking
  • Continuous Improvement Strategies